A Little Girl’s Apron
Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by TheFarmChicken
These are some of the best moments.
Have you ever found yourself digging through your fabric box? This is where I was one day last week. Elbow deep in fabric. If you know how easy it is to accumulate fabric you might even be neck deep in fabric when you start digging in your stock! There are so many fun fabrics. So, as I was exploring with no real purpose in mind, I came across a lollipop fabric that I had and thought “Hey!” I could make a little girl’s apron for my daughter.
- I found a free pattern online
- Picked out fabrics to match, which resulted in a new focal fabric not the original lollipops
- Started cutting fabric and sewing
Here I am in my laundry room/sewing area, inspired about a project. Let me just say, it’s nice when you are inspired about making something and it just comes together. Not every project is like that but this one was one of those projects.
I used this pattern from Polka Dot Chair and would recommend it if you want to make an apron for a little girl. It would make a great gift for a daughter, granddaughter, niece, sister, or any little girl in your life!
It is a little big for my daughter right now but the ties around the waist and neck make it easy to adapt as she grows. Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the finished product. These are the things that I dreamt about in my teenage years; starting a family, teaching my kids to bake/cook and enjoying time in the kitchen as a family. Children are truly a blessing.
If you’re looking for something to bake with your little one check out these recipes from the farm:
Tell me below what you like to make in the kitchen with your littles.
I’d love to hear about it!
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Psalms 127:3 NIV
That’s so cute and there are many times that I wish I still had an apron. My grandchildren would love one but I don’t sew. It is a wonderful gift idea , the girls love to bake when they visit.
I love hearing about grandmas baking with their grandchildren. Such great memories from that! I don’t wear an apron a lot but I feel with little kids I might start…the messyness might increase!